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How to Choose the Best Size Rug for Your Dining Room

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Discover the perfect rug size for your dining room with our friendly guide! Every room in your home shines with its unique personality and the ideal rug size varies to match.


When it comes to your dining area, we've got some handy tips to help you nail the perfect fit. Dive in with us and let's make your dining space truly special. And remember, our collection of Natural Rugs is waiting to add that touch of magic to your meals. Let's find your perfect match!

General Suggestions

There are no solid rules, but usually, you can arrange things by a set of considerations. When it comes to dining table rugs it is usually best practice to ensure that all your dining furniture fits on the rug. This is good practice for two reasons.
1) Aesthetically it frames all your furniture to link them.

2) Chairs, which move in and out frequently, aren't impacting on the rug edges and thereby increasing wear.

Best Practice

Best Avoided

What Natural Rug Material is best for a Dining Room?

Picking the ultimate rug for your dining room, one that's as ready for life's moments can be tricky. Picture this: a rug that embraces every meal, every spill, with no fuss. Yes, it's possible!


Dive into our selection of Sisal, Polypropylene, and Seagrass Rugs, each championing stain resistance and durability. These materials are built for the hustle and bustle of dining life. That means you're free to express yourself with vibrant colored borders to match your room's accents and bold weave patterns.


Imagine a rug that not only complements your dining space but also stands as a companion to countless shared meals and stories.

How to Measure for a Perfectly Sized Dining Room Rug

Transform your dining space into a cosy haven of warmth, colour, and style with the perfect rug! Before diving into our chic rug styles, let's figure out the ideal size for your space with some easy tips:


  • Furniture First: Position your dining furniture just where you want it. This arrangement sets the stage for measuring.​

Ensure that all your chairs sit comfortably under your table

  • Size It Right: Measure your table and add space around it, usually 60-80cm. This adjustment ensures chairs stay on the rug when people are seated, protecting your floors and keeping everything comfy. If your space is limited, a 30cm rug border will keep chairs on the rug when tucked under the table.


  • Big Is In: Typically, a 245cm x 300cm or 275cm x 365cm rug makes the perfect fit for most tables. A 150cm x 245cm rug might fit, but it will usually be lost beneath the table and not elevate the space, which will just miss the mark for most dining rooms.​

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If you have a larger table a snug fit might be needed

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With a larger table, if you have the space, the larger the rug the better for a spacious feeling space

  • Frame It Up: Leave about 45cm of bare floor around your rug to show off your flooring and beautifully frame your dining table. This will give the illusion of a larger room.


  • Go Custom: Got a unique dining area? Consider a custom-sized rug for that perfect fit. Explore options using our Rug Designer Tool.


Ready to find the rug that will make your dining room pop? Explore our Natural Rugs Collection and bring your dining room to life!

What Next?

Got your eye on the ideal rug size for your dining room? Let's make sure it's a perfect fit! Grab some tape or string and sketch out the "rug" on your floor. This visual trick confirms that the size you're considering is just right for your space, ensuring no surprises when you make your purchase.


And here's a pro tip to keep your dining room looking pristine: Opt for our Intec Stain Protection Treatment on any dining room rug. It's our little secret to effortlessly resist those inevitable spills and stains, keeping your gatherings worry-free and your rug looking gorgeous meal after meal.

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